By thomas Valera

Zero instructions

This is not another self-help newsletter.

It’s not a “how-to” guide.

Zero Instructions is a newsletter about the real, unfiltered journey of building, failing, and navigating life without a script.

Because let's be honest, nobody really knows what they're doing.

👋 Hey friend, it's me, Thomas.

I’m a software engineer, entrepreneur, brother, husband and father of 2.

I’ve built businesses, launched projects and helped companies scale through my work as a freelancer.

But my journey isn't all about work.

It's also about figuring out how to be a good dad, a better husband and the kind of brother and friend people can count on.

And if there's something I've learned (sometimes the hard way) it's that there’s no blueprint for any of this.

That’s why I started Zero Instructions.

A newsletter about the real, unfiltered journey of building, failing, and navigating life without a script.

No roadmap.

No step-by-step guide.

Just the honest reality of making things happen, both in work and in life.

📬 Inside each edition, you’ll find:

✅ Personal stories from the trenches of building, failing, and learning.

✅ Lessons from others, because nobody’s journey is the same.

✅ The real stuff. Not just the wins, but the messy middle too.

Have you ever felt like you’re making it up as you go?


That means you’re in the right place!

See you on the other side.

✌️ Thomas

no roadmap.
no rules.
just zero instructions.

    I respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.